click to enlarge
Storskarv, juvenil - Phalacrocorax carbo - Great Cormorant, juvie
NF Photo 100506 at Camargue
Well, almost finished anyway! There might still be some photos to post. But I had to finish this before I go to the next trip or I´ll go nuts I think. :)
Wishing everybody a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Stay warm!
BPW 121

Labels: Fågel, NatureFootstep, Monica Johansson, foto, photography, natur, nature, fotoutmaning, photo challenge, photo meme, Bird Photography Weekly, BPW, fåglar, bird, birds, fågelskådning, birding, swedish, svenska, fågelfoto, birdphoto, camargue, öland, vadare, wader,Biätare, Merops apiaster, Merops apiaster, Skärfläcka, Recurvirostra avosetta, Pied Avocet, Purpurhäger, Ardea purpurea, Purple Heron, Storskarv, juvenil, Phalacrocorax carbo, Great Cormorant, juvie
NF Photo 100506 at Camargue
Purpurhäger - Ardea purpurea - Purple Heron
NF Photo 100506 at CamargueSkärfläcka - Recurvirostra avosetta - Pied Avocet
NF Photo 100507 at CamargueBiätare - Merops apiaster - Merops apiaster
NF Photo 100507 at Camargue Well, almost finished anyway! There might still be some photos to post. But I had to finish this before I go to the next trip or I´ll go nuts I think. :)
Wishing everybody a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Stay warm!
BPW 121
Underbara bilder :)
ReplyDeleteI LIKE ;)
Det måste ha varit så himla roligt att få så många annorlunda fåglar än vad vi har här hemma :)
Great series! The bee-eater always is a looker, isn't it.
ReplyDeleteNice collection from Camargue. I'd love to see a Purple Heron! Love the Bee-eater too. They are just so colorful.
ReplyDeleteI never got to see the purple heron up close. Only in flight.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too! I love the photo of the Avocet. I just don't get to see the avocets we have over here, and I love them. Their form is so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteGreat photos - the Pied Avocet is fantastic!