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NF Photo 111002, Höllviken, Falsterbo
I found this guy close to the hotel, in Falsterbo, we stayed in. On the shore that turns toward Denmark. I only spotted 2 of them this evening. It was getting dark as it was after dinner. Due to the setting sun there is a slight glow on teh bird. A new bird on my blog. :)Om Gluttsnäppa på wiki
About Common Greenshank on wiki
Tringa nebulaira on youtube
Labels: Fågel, NatureFootstep, Monica Johansson, foto, photography, natur, nature, fotoutmaning, photo challenge, photo meme, Bird Photography Weekly, BPW, fåglar, bird, birds, fågelskådning, birding, swedish, svenska, fågelfoto, birdphoto, vadare, wader, ,galleri, gallery, vilken fågel, what bird,Falsterbo, Gluttsnäppa, Tringa nebularia, Common Greenshank, snäppa, Höllviken,