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Trädkrypare - Certhia familiaris - CommonTree creeper
Can you see me?
© NF Photo 131128
This bird is always a pleasure to see in the forest. And to watch it running up the tree trunks. Then flying down to the base of another and running up again. :)
NF Winged 112
Bird D´Pot
NF Winged 112
Bird D´Pot
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Labels: Fågel, NatureFootstep, Monica Johansson, foto, photography, natur, nature, fotoutmaning, photo challenge, photo meme, fåglar, bird, birds, fågelskådning, birding, swedish, svenska, fågelfoto, birdphoto, galleri, gallery, vilken fågel, what bird, NF Winged trädkrypare, Certhia familiaris, Common, Tree creeper, CommonTree creeper,