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Fjällvråk - Buteo lagopus - Rough-legged Buzzard
© NF Photo 140325 Valla viltvatten
Fjällvråk - Buteo lagopus - Rough-legged Buzzar
© NF Photo 140325 Valla viltvatten
Fjällvråk - Buteo lagopus - Rough-legged Buzzar
© NF Photo 140324, Kvismaren
This is a good looking raptor and I rarely see it as it just passes by on it´s way north. Today I was lucky. I realised I also saw it yesterday in a treetop, in another location, Kvismaren. But then it was much further away and I did not see it that good. Maybe it was the same one. :)
Wild Bird Wednesday Sky Watch Friday Ein Stuck Himmel
Wild Bird Wednesday Sky Watch Friday Ein Stuck Himmel
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