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Tornseglare - Apus apus - Common Swift
Hussvala - Delichon urbica - House Martin
For more images, ground images, of that day see a previous post:
House Martin
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Ladusvala - Hirundo rustica - Barn swallow
Tornseglare - Apus apus - Common Swift
Hussvala - Delichon urbica - House Martin
For more images, ground images, of that day see a previous post:
House Martin
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Ladusvala - Hirundo rustica - Barn swallow
© NF Photo 160625 Trolldal
Three species of swallows and swifts in an hour. Not bad in my book. This is three out of four of them in Sweden. The one I don´t have is the Sand Martin. People say they are in my area but I have never seen them. Not as I know anyway.
This particular day the Barn Swallow was the hardest one to catch. It is so fast and flew around my head, too close. And to fast to catch.
But, I had a lot of fun.
Linking up with: Wild Bird WednesdayThree species of swallows and swifts in an hour. Not bad in my book. This is three out of four of them in Sweden. The one I don´t have is the Sand Martin. People say they are in my area but I have never seen them. Not as I know anyway.
This particular day the Barn Swallow was the hardest one to catch. It is so fast and flew around my head, too close. And to fast to catch.
But, I had a lot of fun.