
Hussvala - Delichon urbica - House Martin

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Hussvala - Delichon urbica - House Martin
© NF Photo 160625, trolldal

I was trying to shoot these guys in the air when I noticed they were very interested in a water puddle. So I changed my view. Not sure if they were just drinking or fetching clay. But the nesting should be over I think. 

Linking up with:   Bird D´Pot  

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  1. They look very similar to the birds I saw this week. Great photo of the wing spread!

  2. Hello!:) The House Martin is a sweet bird, but difficult to photograph in flight, like the Swallows and Swifts. Nice captures.:)

  3. Hello, I like the ground shots, they are pretty birds. Happy weekend!

  4. Fetching clay? Okay, I'm ignorant... what do they do with clay?

  5. it is very hard to photograph them in flight so you did well. Liked the shot at the mud pool

  6. In flight images....fantastic. And the iridescence you managed to capture is also quite fantastic.

    Again, thanks for sharing.

  7. Lovely shots of the Martins in flight, NF.


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