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Björktrast - Turdus pilaris - Field fare
NF Photo 130530
The Fieldfare has a busy time feeding the young. The parent feed the young with a BIG worm and yet the young immediately begs for more. It´s hunger don´t seem to ever stop.
Sky Watch Friday
The Fieldfare has a busy time feeding the young. The parent feed the young with a BIG worm and yet the young immediately begs for more. It´s hunger don´t seem to ever stop.
Sky Watch Friday
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Labels: Fågel, NatureFootstep, Monica Johansson, foto, photography, natur, nature, fotoutmaning, photo challenge, photo meme, fåglar, bird, birds, fågelskådning, birding, swedish, svenska, fågelfoto, birdphoto, galleri, gallery, vilken fågel, what bird, NF Winged björktrast, Turdus pilaris, Fieldfare, trast, trush,