
Ärlor - Wagtails

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Sädesärla - White/pied wagtail
© NF Photo 160405

Gulärla - Yellow wagtail
© NF Photo 160504

Forsärla - Grey wagtail
© NF Photo 160506

Citronärla - Citrine wagtail
© NF Photo 100510

This is the four species of wagtails  I have seen in Sweden. The last one was a rare one and the only time I have seen it. Ever! 

The White wagtail is always here. First to come in spring and the last to leave. 

 The Yellow wagtail is here only in spring migration. Stops for a week or so, then head up north somewhere. This time it was only two birds, not sore if it is a pair or two males. 

Linking up with:   Bird D´Pot     Wild Bird Wednesday

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  1. Colorful...I didn't know that there were several kinds in the family of wagtails.

    Thank you very much for sharing this post with us birders at I'd Rather B Birdin'

  2. Wonderful to see all these Wagtails in one post.

  3. Congratulations on Citrine wagtail! Here in Helsinki, Finland, are nesting about under 10 pairs of Citrine wagtails.

  4. Hello! Wow! what gorgeous captures of the Wagtails.I have never seen those yellow Wagtails before. How beautiful they are, but I think they are all lovely birds. I find them difficult to photograph, as they are so timid and fly away if I get to near them. Have a good week!:)

  5. So nice to see a full selection of Wagtails. I have only seen a Citrine on one occasion many years ago.

  6. Hello, the Citrine Wagtail is beautiful. Great shots! Happy Tuesday, enjoy your week ahead!

  7. We don't have any Wagtails here either ... hmmm. Apparently they like the colder northern areas because the only ones in the US are up in Alaska. So you have hit on two types of birds I have never seen today. Makes me feel like I am missing something somehow:) Cool pictures, Monica ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  8. Great lot of wagtails.


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