As mentioned before I was visiting Öland last weekend. It was my first trip to the irland in order to be birdwatching. So, for me, it was exciting. Badly enough it was mostly cold, raining and a lot of mist. Never the less, my fellow birders said that they never seen such wide variety of species. Even though the numbers of birds was much less. This morning I finished the count for my own photography.
Those 4 days, thursday to sunday, I managed to get 42 spieces "om film". Mostly bad but still. Fog and distance is not a good combination for photography. Out of those species 25 was new to me so I will have a lot to do putting them all into the blog. :)
There is a fenomenon in Sweden, called "Larm" and "Drag". It means that people, that spot a rare bird, send out an alert on the bird. Telling others where to find it. Sometimes also watching it until more peopel arrives. That is "drag", when you respond to the alert and go to try to see the bird yourself. This was new to me, and I can understand why it is a popular thing to do. But sometimes I felt sorry for the bird.
One fun event occured though. On Öland there are a lot of cattle keeping the land from too much bushes. And now there was an alert for one bird, Citrine wagtail (citronärla) was found. One male was at the coast. A lot of people went there, walking a mile in fenced area that was wery wet. Carrying all equipment such as spotting scope and cameras. (thats me :) ) The bird was jumping up ans down on some rocks close to the water. All people rounded it on a couple of meters range.
Now, calltle area curious beings. Especially young ones. We heard the noise coming from behind us. The cattle was coming. They ran o teh side of the line. Roudned us and came in between the bird and the birders. I started to laugh, it was so fun. But the bird did not seem to mind. I tried to take photos on it behind the legs of the cattle. You don´t have more fun then you make of it yourself. Right! But I know some people was scared. And they started to move away. My company too. But as I started to pack I noticed one other bird on the ground in front of the birders. Common Ringed Plower (Större strandpipare) who ran front and back. It lookes as it was trying to scare off the cattle. And perhaps the people too. It probaly had a nest nearby. Such a great and brave soul. :)
curious young cattle on the way
bird behind cowleg
citronärla - Motacilla citreola - Citrine wagtail
The bird causing all the fuss :) Labels: NatureFootstep, foto, photography, natur, nature, fotoutmaning, photo challenge, photo meme, Bird Photography Weekly, BPW, fåglar, birds, fågelskådning, birding, swedish, svenska, fågelfoto, Citronärla, Motacilla citreola, Citrine wagtail