Last friday was one of those boring days. Grey and rain now and then. Did not have much to do so took the car for a trip around the area. And.. you know what? I did find some goodies.I had a difficult time to choose among these and the post before it. I am rather proud of the Northern Wheatears I posted in there. If you have time, maybe you like to take a look.
click to enlarge
Svarthakedopping som ruvar - Podiceps auritus - Horned Grebe in its nest
Knipa, dununge - Bucephala clangula - Common Goldeneye, juvie
There was a lot of these guys. They seemed to have a lot of fun. Hard to catch though. :)
Sothöna - Fulica atra - Eurasian Coot
The Coot also had a lot of chicks, they look so funny with the red heads.
Törnskata, hane - Lanius collurio - Red-backed Shrike, male
This Shrike was sitting overlooking a clear-cut in the forest.
NF Photo 100611 Katrineholm area
BPW 94
Labels: NatureFootstep, Monica Johansson, foto, photography, natur, nature, fotoutmaning, photo challenge, photo meme, Bird Photography Weekly, BPW, fåglar, birds, fågelskådning, birding, swedish, svenska, fågelfoto, sothöna, knipa, törnskata, svarthakedopping