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Lappuggla - Strix nebulosa - Great Grey Owl or Lapland Owl
NF Photo 120328, Köttsala,Fellingsbro sn
I had to go 120 km t osee this owl. I was lucky as I found it emediately when I arrived at the location. 4 cars was parked at the road, so no doubt about what was going on. I was able to enjoy this beauty for about 30 min before it took off. Tired of being watched I guess. Then I found it again after a while. It was said it was actually three of them in the area. But I saw one.
They are not supposed to be this far south. But they probably lack food up north. Last year was a big lemming year and lots of birds had great success in bringing up young. Now they have to come south to survive. And we enjoy it. When I was there one of the others was from Norway. The rest had traveled much farther then me. So, this bird was very coveted (?) Am not sure of that word.
Om Lappuggla på wiki
Great Grey Owl on wiki
på youtube, a swedish video, but not mine of course
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