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Havsörn - Haliaeetus albicilla - White-tailed Eagle /Sea Eagle
NF Photo 130921, Hjälstaviken
Sädgås - Anser fabalis - Bean Goose
NF Photo 130920, Biskops Arnö
I was birding at Hjälstaviken this weekend with a female network called Rapphönan. As it is migrating times we look a lot on the sky. In the last shot, the geese is not really that red. It is the setting sun that is coloring them.
NF Winged
Sky Watch Friday
Bird D´Pot
I was birding at Hjälstaviken this weekend with a female network called Rapphönan. As it is migrating times we look a lot on the sky. In the last shot, the geese is not really that red. It is the setting sun that is coloring them.
NF Winged
Sky Watch Friday
Bird D´Pot
Find the birds with Etiketter - Labels- Tags at the bottom of this page.
Labels: Fågel, NatureFootstep, Monica Johansson, foto, photography, natur, nature, fotoutmaning, photo challenge, photo meme, fåglar, bird, birds, fågelskådning, birding, swedish, svenska, fågelfoto, birdphoto, galleri, gallery, vilken fågel, what bird, NF Winged Havsörn, Haliaeetus albicilla, White-tailed Eagle, Sea Eagle, Hjälstaviken, Sädgås, Anser fabalis, Bean Goose, Biskops Arnö, Rappönan,