Sjöholmsladan wetland, NF Photo 120423 This is one of the places outside town where I can see some migrating birds.
Årta - Anas querquedula - Garganey
In that pond I saw this annoying bird today. So hard to get a shot of it. Every time I push the trigger it is gone. It is a small duck and hides in the grass or reed. And don´t want to be shot at. :(
Fiskgjuse - Pandion haliaetus - Osprey Leaving the place I heard a sound above. Looking up to see this osprey. :)
Sävsparv – emberiza schoeniclus - Reed Bunting Next place I found this reed bunting singing his heart out. I did not see if there were any females around to hear it.
The grebes went golden. I forgot to change the white balance. It was set to shadow and the sun was shining. I think that made this golden color. I kind of like it though, it suits the birds. :) NF Photo 120423
Lappuggla - Strix nebulosa - Great Grey Owl or Lapland Owl
NF Photo 120328,Köttsala,Fellingsbro sn
I had to go 120 km t osee this owl. I was lucky as I found it emediately when I arrived at the location. 4 cars was parked at the road, so no doubt about what was going on. I was able to enjoy this beauty for about 30 min before it took off. Tired of being watched I guess. Then I found it again after a while. It was said it was actually three of them in the area. But I saw one.
They are not supposed to be this far south. But they probably lack food up north. Last year was a big lemming year and lots of birds had great success in bringing up young. Now they have to come south to survive. And we enjoy it. When I was there one of the others was from Norway. The rest had traveled much farther then me. So, this bird was very coveted (?) Am not sure of that word.