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Småsnäppa juvenil 1k - Calidris minuta - Little Stint, juvenile
Storleksjämförelse med en Brushane - Size compared to a Ruff.
NF Photo 100904 at Beijershamn, Öland
Comment on Artportalen:
Visst är det en småsnäppa. En 1k fågel vilket bl. a. man kan se på den ljusa pannan och det delade ögonbrynsstrecket. (sure, i´t is a Little Stint. A 1k bird as you can see from the bright forehead and the separated eyebrow) ) MVH/ Jalle
I located this tiny bird a bit out on the wetland. Almost invisible where it strutted around on the grey surface. It was nice because it was the first time I could photograph it in Sweden.
Do you english speaking people use the term "1K" for birds born this summer? It means "the first calenderyear"? So should be used until Dec 31st!

Labels: Vadare, wader, NatureFootstep, NFPhoto, Monica Johansson, foto, photography, natur, nature, fotoutmaning, photo challenge, photo meme, Bird Photography Weekly, BPW, fåglar, bird, birds, fågelskådning, birding, swedish, svenska, fågelfoto, birdphoto, camargue, öland, vadare, wader, fink, Grönbena, Brushane, Ruff, Småsnäppa, Calidris minuta, Little Stint
Oh så fina de var :)
ReplyDeleteoch vilken lång näbb de hade:)
Här är det väldigt dåligt med fåglar just nu tycker jag .. eller så har jag varit på fel ställe :) och hm ... vi var ju på segerstad igår och där såg vi ganska många Kärrhökar och till och med några korpar de var för långt bort .. jag fick några bilder på Kärrhöken de var mot himlen so den blev bara helt svart .. hur tusan ställer man in kameran så man kan se en fågel mot en grå mulen himmel utan att den bara blir svart som en skugga :(
du måste sätta bländaren på +1 eller +2. Himlen blir vit men det spelar ju ingen roll. Brukar funka.....när man kommer ihåg det alt hinner med.
ReplyDeleteVery nice photos. I have never seen a Little Stint - they are said to be a rare vagrant down here in Australia. The Red-necked Stint (Calidris ruficollus) is the Stint we see most often and my bird book says they look very similar in non-breeding plumage. Don't know about other places but we speak about juveniles then first year birds.
ReplyDelete... and the Red-necked Stint don´t come here .(
ReplyDeleteSo first year bird should equal 1k then.
In North America, I've never seen "1K". We just say "first year".
ReplyDeleteNice photos. Little Stints are extremely rare migrants here so it's nice to see them in your pictures.
ReplyDeleteI especially love the 'In flight' shot of this little Beauty!
ReplyDeleteWell caught!
seems like different countries have different way of doing things. Glad u liked this little one.
ReplyDeleteGreat shots of the Little Stint. The in-flight photo is excellent!
ReplyDeleteCute bird, they do blend in well. Great sighting and photos.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about the "1K," but I love your captures here. That 2nd shot is particularly wonderful!